曲名:Watching TV
艺人:Roger Waters
介绍:与咱们中国有关的一首歌,不忍细细研究的歌词,我朝威武。李志和老罗也推荐过这首歌。Roger Waters是Pink Floyd最重要的创作主脑。因为Roger Waters的个人偏向,乐队在70年代制作出了摇滚乐史上非常重要的的两张专辑:《The Dark Side of The Moon》(《月之暗面》)和《The Wall》(墙)一套两张的概念唱片《墙》,在舍弃了电子乐成分后,用自传体三部曲的形式,完成了艺术摇滚的现世史诗。从某个角度而言,Roger Waters当然已经不是一个单纯的摇滚乐手,它将摇滚乐队Pink Floyd演变成了心理医生奥尔波特-弗洛伊德(Allport Floyd),用犀利的意象讽喻现存生活环境中的种种困难,且将笔调指向了难以言说的精神层面。
Roger Waters离开Pink Floyd 20多年后陆续发表了近10张个人作品。这首《Watching TV》选自其个人专辑《AMUSED TO DEATH》,《AMUSED TO DEATH》与 Roger Waters 在 Pink Floyd 时期创作的《THE WALL》和《THE FINAL CUT》一起可通称为“迷墙三部曲”,专辑保持了《墙》式的音乐路线和概念唱片形式,在整部唱片里贯穿着其固有的反战意识,同时强烈批判了现世的混沌和污浊,但就其思想深度和境界而言远比《墙》强。
《Watching TV》歌词:
We were watching TV
Watching TV
We were watching TV
Watching TV
In Tiananmen Square
Lost my baby there
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
She was a short order pastry chef
In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway
She had shiny hair
She was the daughter of an engineer
Won't you shed a tear
For my yellow rose
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
She had perfect breasts
She had high hopes
She had almond eyes
She had yellow thighs
She was a student of philosophy
Won't you grieve with me
For my yellow rose
Shed a tear
For her bloodstained clothes
She had shiny hair
She had perfect breasts
She had high hopes
She had almond eyes
She had yellow thighs
She was the daughter of an engineer
So get out your pistols
Get out your stones
Get out your knives
Cut them to the bone
They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine
They built the dark satanic mills
That manufacture hell on earth
They bought the front row seats on Calvary
They are irrelevant to me
And I grieve for my sister
We were watching TV
Watching TV
We were watching TV
Watching TV
She wore a white bandanna that said
Freedom now
She thought the Great Wall of China
Would come tumbling down
She was a student
Her father was an engineer
Won't you shed a tear
For my yellow rose
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek
That no-good, low-down dirty rat
Who used to order his troops
To fire on the women and children
Imagine that; imagine that
And in the spring of '48
Mao Tse-tung got quite irate
And he kicked that old dictator Chiang
Out of the state of China
Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa
And they armed the island of Quemoy
And the shells were flying across the China Sea
And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory
Called Taiwan
And she is different from Cro-Magnon man
She's different from Anne Boleyn
She is different from the Rosenbergs
And from the unknown Jew
She's different from the unknown Nicaraguan
Half superstar, half victim
She's a victor star, conceptually new
And she is different from the Dodo
And from the Kankanbono
She's different from the Aztec
And from the Cherokee
She's everybody's sister
She's symbolic of our failure
She's the one in fifty million
Who can help us to be free
Because she died on TV
And I grieve for my sister
从此。我和云开始了看似快乐的生活。每天下班后便相拥在租来的小屋里看电视 。从下午6点的新闻一直到晚上十点的黄金剧场再到深夜的午夜剧场。每天持续6~7个小时躺在廉价的充气塑胶沙发上,随着荧屏嬉笑哀乐,全身心地感受着荧屏上他人人生的丰富多采。周末的时候就牵手去逛大卖场,柃回20、30元一件的衣服或者其他的便宜的物品。虽然关掉电视的瞬间也感到空虚,眼见别人买房买车也会一时失落,遭到权贵人士的冷眼也会一时激动感伤,可我们终究是似乎要满足于现状平庸度此生了。
生活中有了太多的暂时诱惑,也许是没完没了的电视剧,也许是刺激过瘾的电脑游戏,又或者是输赢无常的麻将……它们一点点侵蚀我们的时间,以看上去如此享受的方式。 它们让蓬勃朝气的生命一点点走向颓废,如同慢性毒药,渗透麻痹我们的思想。这就需要我们有足够的免疫力来抵抗,而强大抵抗力的获得,来源于清醒的头脑绘制出的美好人生蓝图,并为之扎实而进,从而演绎出充实多彩的生活。