
曲名:Sugar Sugar
艺人:Diving with Andy
专辑:Sugar Sugar


I wake up with the sunrise
Rise and shine is better lie
Lie down looking before I even see
Seed cakes freshly baked for me
He stand up and I'm thinking
King you are not by no means
Means I will never ever ever ever brew
Brew a sales, a tea for two
Such a precious toy
Boy you'll be my foil
Hang on, hold on, wait on till I decide whether
To pretend or not I'll shall mighty god
On a Sunday morning
With a stranger aiming
Round my property

I wake up with the sunrise
Rise and shine is better lie
Lie up and is my up and middle name
Name shame me please please me
You take me for your new queen
Queen cakes are beyond your means
Means I will never ever ever ever brew
Brew a sales, a tea for two

Such a precious toy
Boy you'll be my foil
Hang on, hold on , wait on till I decide whether
To pretend or not I'll shall mighty god
On a Sunday morning
With a stranger aiming
Round my property

No sugar, no coffee, no ice tea, no TV, no ice cream just a tease till you milk up and sit down, please
No sugar, no coffee, no ice tea, no TV, no ice cream just a tease till you milk up and sit down, please

Such a precious toy
Boy you'll be my foil
On a Sunday morning

【让人放松的微妙动态图,Rebecca Mock插画欣赏】

Rebecca Mock,美国插画师,现居纽约布鲁克林,毕业于马里兰艺术学院(MICA)。生活喧嚣的都市之中,难免会被快节奏和高压力的环境所压迫,从而产生一种透不过气的厌倦感。为了缓解人们的这种压力,美国插画家 Rebecca Mock 便运用自己梦幻般的想象力,创作了一系列宁静致远的 GIF 动态图像。这些图像都是 Rebecca Mock 从日常的所见所闻中汲取灵感创作而成的,因此很能缓解人们身上所肩负的压力。


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