Surprise ice - kings of convenience

kings of convenience

两个挪威大男孩Eirik Glambek Boe和Erlend Oye及两把传统吉他组成了双人乐团Kings Of Convenience。他们一出道,,就被NME推为「新民謠運動英雄」。Kings Of Convenience清新完美的二部和声仿佛呼吸久违的清新舒适的空气。这首Surprise ice带着北欧的清冽和冰冷,象寂静的黄昏,坐在结了薄冰的河水边,唱love comes like surprise ice on the water,love comes like surprise ice at dawn...温柔又迷人。 ——饥饿的耳朵


when past sometimes takes you with soft hands
forcelessly pulls you to your chair
hides you away from these half days
sunless at the end of the year
the air is like a knife cutting through you
a room in the house is always warm stretched out on the bathroom floor thinking
of fair days your future may hold
love comes like surprise ice on the water
love comes like surprise ice at dawn
deprived of the light and of colours
the world ends at your windowtree darkness creates these illusions
but pale days can teach you to see
rain falls, but no life is given
weeks pass, no progress is made
past sometimes takes you with soft hands
and all that surrounds you will fade
love comes like surprise ice on the water
love comes like surprise ice at dawn

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