真正的光明决不是永没有黑暗的时间,只是永不被黑暗所掩蔽罢了。真正的英雄决不是永没有卑下的情操,只是永不被卑下的情操所屈服罢了。 所以在你要战胜外来的敌人之前,先得战胜你内在的敌人;你不必害怕沉沦堕落,只消你能不断的自拔与更新。 ——傅雷《约翰·克利斯朵夫——译者序》
曲名:All at sea
艺人:Richard Walters
专辑:The Animal
风格:indie Pop
介绍:Richard Walters来自牛津,和一个相爱的美国女孩现居在巴黎。一看就颇有创作歌手的范,他说他喜欢雨,喜欢伞,这张专辑更是他坠入爱河后的细腻之作。柔软甜蜜宁静处处渗透。这首《All At Sea》之前被《CSI:MiaMi》采用作过片尾曲。
Silence is empty, filled with breaths from mouths
That never move no more
It talked some more, it talks now
And all the lights went out in empty rooms
And now the empty hall
It talk alone, it talks now
And all I wanted was a Chance to see you anyway
Hold me, fold me up in your arms
Faster, my love, sinking and gone
I was aware the time, I was a son before I met you dear
I talk alone, I talk now
And all the lights went out in empty rooms
And now the dirty hall
I talked alone, I talk now
And all I wanted was a Chance to see you anyway
Hold me, fold me up in your arms
Faster, my love, sinking and gone
Hold me, my love
Telling me don't be afraid
Wouldn't you want me to swim
Wouldn't you want me to stay?
Hold me my love
Telling me won't be afraid
Wouldn't you want me to swim
Wouldn't you want me to stay
Silence is empty, filled with breaths from mouths
That never move no more
It talk alone, it talks now
And all I wanted was a Chance to see you anyway
Hold me, fold me up in your arms
Faster, my love, sinking and gone
Hold me, fold me up in your arms
Faster, my love, sinking and gone
芬兰摄影师Mika Suutari摄影作品:孤独世界
每个人内心深处都有一个角落是别人触及不到的,柔软而神秘。摄影师Mika Suutari试图用影像向人们展示这个的世界,在他的作品中常常出现主人公的背影,给观众带来一种强烈的孤独感。与其他风格的摄影作品相比,Suutari的作品显得更加极端,但却能让观看者产生共鸣。