Flunk - Spring To Kingdom Come

Flunk,来自北欧挪威的奥斯陆,成员为创作人Ulf Nygaard,主唱Anja Oyen Vister,吉他手Jo Bakke和鼓手Erik Ruud。网上把之称为是一支syn-pop,合成器流行乐队。Anja Oyen Vister的声音清新而不失妖媚。在这样的盛夏时节,这样的带一点懒洋洋的女声,配合乐队迷幻轻快的电子曲风,矛盾的组合成一种妖冶凄艳的美感,总让人沉醉,暂时忘却酷热。
这首Spring To Kingdom Come,曲风明朗活泼,旋律流畅得比正宗的Indie-Pop是有过之而无不及,歌词朗朗上口,在这酷热的夏天,无疑是最适合的清凉小品。

试听:Flunk - Spring To Kingdom Come

Sleeping beauty
Where have you been
You should know
I´m counting on you here

Feels like clouds beneath your wings
It is night, you see it as it is
It is dark, have mercy on us all
You should know
I´m counting on you here

His kiss
His kiss
His kiss
His kiss of spring
His kiss of spring
His kiss of spring
His kiss of spring
His kiss...

Let´s talk about the weather
And the snow
Falling from the heavens like crystal feather
The power of the powder
The silence screams louder
I feel cold
This is a nation on hold
It´s the chill
Without the thrill

I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
Come to my kingdom
I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
Come to my kingdom

I manage to get down to the coffee shop
It´s the big freeze, I feel like a pork chop
Jesus it´s cold, must be a million below
Nowhere to go, and the snow still falling
Everything´s gone white
Still nothing looks bright
There´s no signs of daylight
Every day is like an eternal night
I´m out of here soon
I might be back in June
It´s the chill
Without the thrill
It´s the chill

I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
Come to my kingdom

His kiss
His kiss
His kiss
His kiss of spring
His kiss of spring
His kiss of spring
His kiss of spring
His kiss

It´s the chill
Without the thrill
It´s the chill

I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
You should know
I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
I´m counting on you here
His kiss of spring
His kiss
I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
His kiss of spring
I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
His kiss of spring
It´s the chill
Without the thrill
I´m waiting for spring to come to my kingdom
To my kingdom

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