Flowers in December - Mazzy Star

Mazzy Star-Among My Swan

听Mazzy Star的音乐总能感觉到一股阴柔而令人惊惧的力量,那种慵懒的气息并非让人感到无力,那里面蕴涵着不满、狂暴、 愤怒、沮丧、埋怨、疯狂,她让我们突然感受到外面的世界是如此的分崩离析。他们的音乐给歌迷提供了一个逃避的场所,可那里面的寂 静预示着什么事要发生,兀自忧伤时面无表情,内心波涛涌动。他们的歌有着罂粟花般的迷香,不断复制的音乐,我们只是身处其中,被 其麻醉兴奋不已......

Mazzy Star事实上是吉他手David Roback、主唱Hope Sandoval的私人乐队。David Roback在Opal乐队时听到了由Hope Sandoval演唱的一盒录音带《Going Home》,Hope嗓音的明亮、飘渺、穿透力、空间感深深打动了他。在Opal乐队的最后一次巡演中,Hope成为了乐队的主唱,不久后,David Roback和Hope Sandoval组建了Mazzy Star。1990年,乐队录制了第一张专辑《She Hangs Brightly》。原本要发行这张专辑Rough Trade美国分公司不久后陷入危机,但幸运的是,Capitol公司接纳了他们,并且顺利发行了专辑。1993年,第二张专辑《So Tonight That I Might See》上市。这张专辑简直就是第一张专辑的标准翻版——迷幻的氛围、稀疏的编排、漫不经心的吉他、萦绕心头的歌词等等,由于没有创新,开始它并未引起足够的重视。一年后,这张专辑开始逐渐走红,进入了排行榜前40名。这个意外的惊喜丝毫没有改变Mazzy Star,他们还是一如既往的过着迷一样的生活、演绎迷一般的音乐,一样拒绝接受记者采访,而任其在媒体上继续各种大胆的猜测。

试听:Flowers in December - Mazzy Star

Flowers In December - Mazzy Star--:-- / 04:57

before I let you down again
I just want to see you in your eyes
I wouldn''t have taken everything, out on you
I only thought, you could, understand

they say every man goes blind in his heart,
and they say everybody steals somebody''s heart away
and I got nothing more to say about it
nothing more (to you) or me

send me your flowers, of your december
send me your dreams, of your (candlelly wine)
I got just one thing I can''t give you
just one more thing of mine

they say every man goes blind in his heart
and they say everybody steals somebody''s heart away
and I''ve been wondering why you let me down
and I''ve been taking it all for granted

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