Carrickfergus-Charlotte Church夏绿蒂

Charlotte Church

Charlotte Church(夏绿蒂),跨世纪美声小天后,是英国史上年纪最轻,横跨流行与古典榜的天才歌手!这位去年仍在小学上课的威尔斯美少女在一次公开的卡拉OK歌唱比赛献声,她天生的一副好歌喉和甜美纯真的出色外表,立即引起极大的轰动,如此的出道过程在古典音乐界算是史上破天荒头一遭。开创了这个传奇式的开端,接下来夏绿蒂以本身纯净却又富含个性的音色,优雅诠释古典与跨界歌曲代表作品。夏绿蒂还受邀在查尔斯王子五十岁庆生晚会中献唱,她在英国朝野所受的欢迎程度可见一斑。

很早一起推荐过她的《Bridge Over Troubled Water》

Carrickfergus是爱尔兰名曲,Carrickfergus(卡里克弗格斯)是爱尔兰安特里姆(Antrim)以东一个风景优美的小镇,它坐落在贝尔法斯特湖畔,居于拉恩港(Larne)和贝尔法斯特港之间,是通往美丽的堤道海岸和峡(Causeway Coast and Glens)的门户。它的东面是平静的海岸小镇怀特黑德(Whitehead),西面是最近发展起来的格林艾兰(Greenisland)。建于十二世纪的卡里克弗格斯城堡是小镇的标志性建筑,也是爱尔兰最古老、保存最完好的诺曼式城堡。(网络整理)

试听:Carrickfergus-Charlotte Church夏绿蒂

I wish I was in carrickfergus
Where the castle looks out to sea.
I would swim over the deepest ocean
For my love to be with me.
But the sea is wide and I can not swim over
Nor have I the wings to fly
I wish I had a handsome boatman,
To ferry me over, my love and i.

I wish I was in the land of arak,
Where the mountains reach the sea.
Where flowers blossom as I do remember.
Where my true love came to me.
But the sea is wide and I can not swim over.
Nor have I the wings to fly.
Ahh to be back now in carrickfergus
To be together .. my love and i.
To be together .. my love and i.

I wish I was in carrickfergus,
To be together my love and i.

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