Colors - Amos lee

Amos lee

来自同名专辑《Amos lee》,简单的旋律,却又带著浓浓的情感。Amos Lee,乐坛的一个新名字,现年27岁的Amos Lee,音乐之路起始於西元1995年,当时正就读於南卡罗来纳大学〈University of South Carolina〉英文系。Lee在学校里遇到了许多志趣相投的朋友,开始弹吉他、唱歌并写歌。后来,Lee有幸担任如Bob Dylan、B.B. King等巨星演唱会的开场,并在西元2004年受邀担任小天后Norah Jones欧洲巡回的暖场乐手,其优异的表现也让Lee获得了成为Norah Jones师弟。师姐Norah Jones在首轨《Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight》中替Amos弹钢琴,在第七轨的这首《Colors》更替他合音。综合来说,Amos Lee的音乐十分诚恳,风格与Norah Jones类似,归类於民谣较合适。(网络整理)

试听:Colors-Amos lee

Colors - Amos Lee--:-- / 02:40

Yesterday I got lost in the circus
Feeling like such a mess
Now I'm down I'm just hanging on the corner
I can't help but reminisce
When your gone
All the colors fade
When your gone
No the years they parade
When your gone
Colors seem to fade
Your mama called, she said
That you're downstairs crying
Feeling like such a mess
And yeah I hear ya
yeah in the background bawling
What happened to your sweet summer time dress
I know it all
We all got our faults
We get locked in our voids
And make mistakes
When your gone
All the colors fade
When your gone
No the years they parade
When your gone
Colors seem to fade
Yesterday I got lost in the circus

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