乡村音乐If Only I Had Wings-Charlie Landsborough

Charlie Landsborough

老男人Charlie Landsborough(查利.兰保夫) 是一位英国的乡土男歌手,其声音平和宽厚、通透温醇、磁力十足。全部由本人作曲填词,每一首歌曲都非常耐听悦耳。这首歌从歌词、作曲、演唱,全由六十岁的Charlie一手完成,因而整体性显得天衣无缝。浅白明晰的歌词,颇富美感,正所谓辞浅意深。

这位五十多岁才正式发行唱片的歌手,曾经差一点被关进牢房,结婚时潦倒到买件礼服也要妻子付帐,我们可以想象这其中的坎坷与艰辛,多年生活的沉淀和磨砺,有时候的确似乎缺乏了些许激情,但是决不阴暗,始终透出的是宽阔与明亮,在音乐中焕发出的光彩是他六十岁的青春。老家伙更有一把举世无匹的醉人嗓音,温煦而醇厚,与生俱来的就有一种通透的音场感,其实也不用奇怪,爱尔兰这个小国天生就是生产好嗓子的地方。Charlie Landsborough都柏林的那张现场演唱会唱片想必迷倒了一大批中国的音响发烧友。

BBC TV的Gerry Anderson这么评价他:“Charlie Landsborough是一瓶陈年美酒,拔出塞子的时候,你一定会知道你的等待是多么的值得。(网络整理)

试听:If Only I Had Wings-Charlie Landsborough

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If only I had wings
If only I had wings
I’d let the air release my mind
And leave my worries far behind
And let the silent oceans of the sky’s
Wash every grain of sorrow from my eyes
If only I had wings
I’d fly beyond the rainbows door
In search of heavens stardust shore
Where long forgotten dreams
will all come true
Beyond the mellow oceans tender blue
I’m flying,
up where the eagle reigns
I’m flying,
leaving behind my chains
If only I had wings
upon the breeze I’d lay my soul
And let god’s hand take full control
And sing my hearts surrender to his love
Forever to the moon and stars above
I’m flying,
up where the eagle reigns
I’m flying,
leaving behind my chain
And let the silent oceans of the sky’s
Wash every grain of sorrow from my eyes
If only I had wings…….
If only I had wings……

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