最美女声Borderline - Alison Krauss

Alison Krauss

Alison Krauss 是当今美国兰草音乐的领军者,“蓝草”音乐(Blue Grass)是美国民间音乐其中的一种,精致、纯正,这种音乐有两三部和声,节奏激烈,不受情感约束。多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥11 座格莱美奖,代表歌曲包括When You Say Nothing At All(电影《诺丁山》主题曲) 和《冷山》中那首动人的 The Scarlet Tide 等等。听Alison Krauss唱歌恍如站在轻风吹拂大草原上享受和煦的阳光,单薄而清亮的歌声时而抑郁低吟时而欢喜昂扬,很平实地唱着生活中的点点滴滴。

Alison的歌曲之所以吸引人是因其个人演唱魅力和她所创作的精致、纯正的蓝草音乐。Alison的歌曲中使用的乐器依然是小提琴、曼陀铃、木吉他和斑鸠琴这样蓝草的标准乐器,编曲配器也绝少矫饰,没有任何世俗渲染的音乐配上Alison Krauss清泉般透彻的歌声,使得蓝草音乐愈加发扬光大。(网络整理)

试听:Borderline-Alison Krauss

Borderline - Alison Krauss & Union Station--:-- / 03:25

So you're on your own lookin' down the road
that goes only by one way
And you don't need the signs to see lonely still runs both ways
So who's the fool that would think the ties
would be better off undone
Did your heart even warn you
when you veered from the path that was narrower and straight

On the borderline
Somewhere between the flight for freedom
Feeling like you can't move on
The chore will be the time
Takes you off of my mind and out of my heart I know
And when you cross over there's no turning back
Once that burning bridge is gone

I may lose but I'm in it for the long run
Loving you for good reason could be the wrong one
I don't wanna lose control but the heart won't learn
To let it well enough for long

On the borderline
Somewhere between the flight for freedom
Feeling like you can't move on
The chore will be the time
Takes you off of my mind and out of my heart I know
And when you cross over there's no turning back
Once that burning bridge is gone

So you're on your own lookin' down the road
that goes only by one way

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