It's Summer Again - The Charade

the charade

今天去游泳了,回来忽然想起这首《It's summer again》,同样来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的清新吉他乐队The Charade的首张专辑《The Best Is Yet To Come》。好像听歌的喜好也是受到季节影响的,翻了一下麦田,去年差不多这个时候,发过The Charade的另一首歌《The Sun Is Gonna Shine On You…And Me 》,唱片封面的绿色背景上绽放的白色小花,依然让人看了精神一振。
The Charade的歌是简单而甜美的,如此活泼可爱、细巧伶俐的声音无懈可击,令人回味的歌词,轻盈的节奏让人听了仿佛置身于无数令人愉快的泡泡中,更会让你觉得轻松美好的生活就在耳边。
另一个发现,这首歌还是《穿普拉达的女王》的插曲。也对,张弛有度的编曲和主唱柔韧的嗓音,跟之前发过的主题曲《Suddenly I See》真是一个路数。
The Charade:清新活力The Sun Is Gonna Shine On You…And Me
KT Tunstall:《穿普拉达的女王》主题曲-Suddenly I See

试听:It's Summer Again-The Charade

It's Summer Again - The Charade--:-- / 02:39

It's summer again
blue is the sky
Heatwaves's on
crime rate is high
Is this what we asked for
Is this what we want
As long as the temperature's rising
It's ok
It's all right
It's ok

Where do you go
When the sun shines
What do you do
When the waves are too high
You know surfing makes me dizzy
and the wind makes me cold
But somehow I will manage to do it
Come on baby
let's make this the best days in our lives
Come on now

What do you know
About the future
Where do we go
When this is over
The sunshine and the water is always enough
So let's not think about winter
Come on baby
let's make this the best days in our lives
Come on now

Sha la la la la la la sha la la la la la
Summer is here where we want it

Sha la…
And I know it’s coming back again

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