Wherever There Is Light-no-man

选自no-man的EP《Wherever There Is Light》同名曲,这个封面乍看很有春天的气息,不过越看越冷冽,歌曲就像专辑封面一样,也是清雅深邃,很适合作为放松心情的背景音乐,或者就当睡前催眠曲。如同自言自语般的惬意低吟,简单的歌词,淡淡的忧伤,配上回旋巧妙的管弦乐和婉转的旋律,一不小心会被某个音符触动。就让你的心跟着音乐去漂流吧。
根据网络资料,no-man这个温柔的独立组合早在1987年已经成立,成员有英国著名艺术改进派摇滚乐队Porcupine Tree灵魂人物、多乐器演奏家Steven Wilson,和歌手Tim Bowness以及小提琴手Ben Coleman。

试听:Wherever There Is Light-no-man

jane passes through the crowds
outside the mercury lounge.
she loves the city sounds.
she feels that she's been found.

wherever there is light,
she follows.

the bats are out again,
kids shout in Summer rain -
for real, imagined, shame,
for things they cannot name.

she thinks of all their bright

wherever there is light,
she follows.

walk in and out of rooms.
fall in and out of love.

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