鬼泣4开场曲:空灵柔情Out of Darkness


The light in your eyes is an angel up high 你眼中映射着天使的光芒
Fighting to ease the shadow side 它正抑制着你内心的阴暗
Hearts will grow though having to bend 心灵总在经历挫折后成长
Leaving behind all things in the end 而最终它什么也不会留下


我惊叹于《鬼泣4》开场中女主角吟唱的这首“Out of Darkness”,旋律优美,丝丝柔情,充满了空灵之感,声音纯净如唱诗班。这首歌的真实演唱者是Aubrey Ashburn。

另,10月16日又要去北京了,首都的朋友们,请我吃饭吧,就去胡大饭馆哈哈。我已经7天7夜没吃荤的了。有意者联系我QQ:40589302 SMN:linfox1@hotmail.com



试听:鬼泣4开场曲:Out of Darkness -Aubrey Ashburn

Listen to my voice calling you 聆听我呼唤你的声音
Pulling you out of Darkness 将带你走出这片黑暗
Hear the Devil's cry of sin 即使听到魔鬼的号泣
Always turn your back on him 希望你永远不要回头

With the wind you go 即使你即将随风而去
Sill I dream of your spirit leading you back home 希望你的灵魂能带你回到家乡
I will give my gifts to you 到那时我将送给你一份礼物
Grow your garden,watch it bloom 为你把它种下 看它开花结果

The light in your eyes is an angel up high 你眼中映射着天使的光芒
Fighting to ease the shadow side 它正抑制着你内心的阴暗
Hearts will grow though having to bend 心灵总在经历挫折后成长
Leaving behind all things in the end 而最终它什么也不会留下

Listen to my voice calling you 聆听我呼唤你的声音
Pulling you out of Darkness 将带你走出这片黑暗
Hear the Devil's cry of sin 即使听到魔鬼的号泣
Always turn your back on him 希望你永远不要回头

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