24-25 - kings of convenience便利之王

两个挪威大男孩Eirik Glambek Boe和Erlend Oye及两把传统吉他组成了双人乐团Kings Of Convenience。在创作上,Kings Of Convenience没有愤世嫉俗的呼号,也没有忧伤无比的感叹,他们以一种极为和谐的脱俗清新感,恬恬淡淡地唱出对于人生每个部分与阶段的豁达哲理,透过对于生活情景的描写,清淡带出人与人相处的种种关系。Kings Of Convenience清新完美的二部合声如同一股清流般轻轻柔柔地流过人们冰封沉疾已久的心;彷佛呼吸著清新舒适的空气,在唯美浪漫、清新脱俗的乐章里,让自己享有短暂片刻的恬静。(网络整理)
这首“24-25”选自他们的最新专辑《Declaration of Dependence》,这也是他们离开关注者视野近5年之后的再次回归之举。以前推荐过《surprise ice》-kings of convenience

试听:24-25 - kings of convenience便利之王

歌曲下载(网盘):地址1(uushare) | 来自麦田音乐网 | 地址2(brsbox) | 地址3(vdisk)
She'll be gone soon
you can have me for yourself

She'll be gone soon
you can have me for yourself

But do give,
just give me today
or you will just scare me away

what we build is bigger
than the sum of two

what we build is bigger
than the sum of two

but somewhere I lost count on my own
and somehow I must find it alone

24 and blooming like the fields of Maine
25 and yearning for a ticket out

dreams burn but in ashes are gold
dreams burn but in ashes are gold

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