Tahiti - Bat for Lashes棒棒仙女

Bat for Lashes


这首“Tahiti”选自Bat for Lashes的专辑 Fur And Gold》,Bat for Lashes于1979年10月25日出生于巴基斯坦,直到成年Bat for Lashes才脱离这个宗教色彩浓厚的国度开始自己的环球旅行,最后落脚于欧洲进行深造并开始创作自己的音乐。在Bat for Lashes的音乐中你可以轻易找到宗教色彩的音乐元素,整张专辑都在轻轻的舒缓的唱着,你甚至可以想像的到Bat for Lashes唱歌时轻闭双眼演唱的摸样,似乎在表达着某种只有她自己能看到的境界。没有刻意去营造某种冷酷,一切都只是淡淡的,轻轻的,极强的穿透力就这样抓紧你的听觉神经而使你不想再去做其他事情。

试听:Tahiti - Bat for Lashes
[hermit auto="1" loop="1" unexpand="0" fullheight="0"]songlist#:3388647[/hermit]
视频:Tahiti - Bat for Lashes

Community saw the best in me
Exchanging the common heart for the salt in the sea
Children of the sun on a highway of hope
The beauty of coming together
In sorrow

Tahiti we don't got no name
Tahiti we don't got no home
Tahiti we don't got no money
Tahiti we don't got no

But we do the dishes, we make the bread
We are powdered ashes in the light of the beauty
He said

Wear those dark glasses to help us see
Hot tears rolling down and our arms are knitted

Creatures of the night on a highway of hope
And the beauty that we'll leave each other

Tahiti we don't got no name
Tahiti we don't got no home
Tahiti we don't got no money
Tahiti we don't got no

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