极地双子星Cocteau Twins - Rilkean Heart

许多情况下人作恶是出于自己的肉欲,而更多的情况下人作恶是为了得到赞赏,为了世俗的荣誉。 ---托尔斯泰《生活之路》

来自Cocteau Twins乐队的Rilkean Heart,其实有两个版本,一个收录在专辑《Milk & Kisses》,一个收录在EP专辑《Twinlights》中,我更喜欢后者,也就是现在听到的。这首歌被王菲翻唱过,叫《怀念》吧。王菲翻唱最多的就是Cocteau Twins、Sophie ZelmaniThe Cranberries(卡百利 or 小红莓)Tori amos。王菲的“知己知彼”、“分裂”、“扫兴”、“胡思乱想”都是翻唱Cocteau Twins的,而他们的“serpent skirt”就是与王菲一起演绎的。
Cocteau Twins是支来自苏格兰的三人乐团。迷朦的音乐气氛下优美夹着伤感,又流露出强烈的死亡浪漫。天才吉它混音大师Robin营造出阴冷颓唐的旋律,再加上女主唱独一无二的声线使他们成为另类音乐界最美的声音。他们84年发行的专辑《Treasure》(珍宝)算是惊世骇俗之作。中世纪的音乐强烈的巴洛克风味,多声部旋律,音乐鲜明的对比,优美又不缺乏震撼力,乐评界称之为“The Voice Of God"(天神之声)。

试听:Cocteau Twins - Rilkean Heart

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Rilkean heart,
I looked for you, To give
me transcendent
To transport me out of
self and aloneness, and
into a sense of
oneness And con-
nection, ecstatic and
magical. I
became a junkie for it.
I came looking
for the next high and I'm
sorry I've been
putting the search on the wrong place
I understand that you're confused,
feeling overwhelmed
Well that's a feeling state from then,
the reality
becoming truly
self-reliant and
becoming connected with
something beyond me and
that is where i
have to go, I'm so
sorry i've been
putting the search on the wrong place.
You're lost and don't know what to do.
But that's not all of you
That's your reality today,
and that is all okay.

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