美国丽人插曲:Annie Lennox - Don’t Let It Bring You Down


Don’t Let It Bring You Down,是《American beauty》(美国丽人)里的插曲,Annie Lennox唱的,当看电影,一听到这首歌,耳朵就被抓住了,歌名虽然叫don’t let bring you down,但听了这歌,估计本来不down的人都down了,歌里有一种刺穿骨髓、深入血液里的孤立无援感,那种孤独的呐喊不是每个人都可以承受。

Annie Lennox(安妮·蓝妮克丝),这个在国际流行乐坛回响了二十四年的名字,她是80年代红遍欧美乐坛的“Eurythmics(舞韵合唱团)”女主唱、两座葛莱美奖得主、曾被VH1音乐频道评为“乐坛一百位最伟大女性”,而2002年她又获选为美国知名的公告牌音乐杂志“2002年度世纪音乐奖”得主,象征着Annie在歌坛的地位与披头士的乔治哈里森、比利乔、山塔那等人齐名,一样在歌坛中有着不可被取代的崇高地位。

除了歌声之外,Annie不同于其它总是以性感外型示人的女歌手,她反其道而行的中性纤细身材,愈发闪现出知性的光彩和出尘脱俗的美感,同时她也成为许多迷恋骨感身材之时尚拥戴者眼中的不朽绝佳象征。而Annie每次在公众前露面,都会带来具强烈视觉效果、让人惊艳的魅惑造型,黑色皮衣、金属饰片、鲜艳的翎毛、舞会长袍都是她偏爱的打扮,而她的中性造型更是显现出无人能及的魅力,她曾经装扮成David Bowie的模样并和David Bowie本人同台演唱,几可乱真。Annie Lennox向来以改革者、反偶像崇拜者的形象而著称,这些造型都揭示了在她个性中一些相对的特质,比较概括的描述就是:Annie拥有混合了男性坚毅、勇敢、理性和女性温柔、脆弱、感性的独特人格魅力。(网络整理)

试听:Annie Lennox - Don’t Let It Bring You Down

歌曲下载(网盘):地址1(115网盘) | 地址2(vdisk)
Old man lyin' by the side of the road
Where the lorries rollin' by
Blue moon sinkin' from the weight of the load
And the buildings scrape the sky
Cold wind rippin' on the valley at dawn
And the morning paper flies
Dead man lyin' by the side of the road
With the daylight in his eyes

Don't let it bring you down
It's only castle's burning
Find someone who's turning
And you will come around

Blind man runnin' through the light of the night
With an answer in his hand
Come on down to the river of sight
And you can really understand
Red lights flashin' through the window in the rain
Can you hear the sirence moan
White cane lyin' in a gutter in the lane
And you're walkin' home alone

Don't let it bring you down
It's only castle's burning
Find someone who's turning
And you will come around

You will come around

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