Take You Away - Angus & Julia Stone

Angus & Julia Stone

Angus & Julia Stone 是一对来自澳洲的兄妹组合,乐队的名字就是俩人名字的相加。Angus Stone和Julia Stone。两人的声音各具特点,怎么听都舒服。Angus的嗓音很有磁性,柔和之中带着一丝沙哑和随意,而Julia的嗓音则可爱得像孩子一样,跳跃感极强,就连小小的跑调也让人觉得调皮至极。(网络整理)

试听:Take You Away - Angus & Julia Stone (手动播放)

歌词(谢谢Ms.Desperado 同学提供):
When you’re feeling down,and your sky is grey.

and the people that you love,well,

they have nothing lovely to say.

When your days are long,and lonlier than before.

When your bed is cold,and she howled at your door.

I’ll take you away,I’ll take you away,I’ll take you..

I’ll take you away.I’ll take you away.

When you’re tired of walking next lane,

and the smell of the coffee bean

will you just won’t go away,

and your friends they’ve got nothing good

to say. You just call out of my name.

And I’ll take you away,I’ll take you away,I’ll take you..

I’ll take you away.I’ll take you away.

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