You Would Have Loved This - Tarja Turunen

Tarja Turunen -My Winter Storm


“2005年Tarja Turunen离开了Nightwish,我是很难过的,在我心里Nightwish就已经死了,只有Tarja Turunen才能在华丽的犹如暴风雨般的哥特金属背景下,依然从容不迫的展现着她的高贵和美艳。她使Nightwish达到了一种平衡,这才是 Nightwish的精髓。不至于像现在的主唱那样早已被狂风暴雨吹到哪去了。
Nightwish伴我走过了那段年少轻狂的岁月,反而觉得Tarja Turunen单飞后的音乐更适合现在心境的我。”

Tarja turunen是北欧重金属乐团Nightwish的原主唱歌手(05年被开除)。
Nightwish时期的Tarja与乐队取得了耀眼成绩,古典与金属的融合也吸引了无数的乐迷。离开Nightwish后,发行了圣诞专辑,参加了一些古典音乐会表演。精通歌剧唱腔的Tarja 唱功得到了一致肯定,也奠定了她的地位,在当今歌坛已经是世界最有人气和实力的女高音歌唱家,被誉为“芬兰之声”。Tarja与她的经纪人更是曾受芬兰总统的邀请参加在总统官邸举行的独立日晚会,并多次参加国庆演出。在2007年的芬兰国庆礼,芬兰国歌由Tarja领唱。
Tarja Turunen现为环球音乐旗下歌手,2007年11月发行第一张个人专辑“My Winter Storm”,同时开始了世界巡回演出。这首“You Would Have Loved This”即选自这张专辑。

试听:You Would Have Loved This - Tarja Turunen

You Would Have Loved This - Tarja--:-- / 04:00

The winter left her blanket
here this morning
A soft and gentle coverlet of white
Unfolded in the shadows of the dawn
It Sparked in the early morning l ight
You would have loved this
You would have loved this
This was your favorite time of day
The greenery is laid across the mantle
And ornaments are hanging on the tree
And cradled in the windowsill's a candle
A beacon in the night
to call you back to me
You would have loved this
You always loved this
I know you loved this time of year
And though I understand
One day again I'll see you
I long to touch your hand,
hear your voice, feel you
You would have loved this
You always loved this
Oh, how you loved.

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