I Wasn't Prepared - Eisley


所以,生命里第一个爱恋的对象应该是自己,写诗给自己,与自己对话,在一个空间里安静下来,聆听自己的心跳与呼吸,我相信,这个生命走出去时不会慌张。相反的,一个在外面如无头苍蝇乱闯的生命,最怕孤独。 ——蒋勋《孤独六讲》

这首《I Wasn't Prepared》选自Eisley乐队的专辑《Room Noises》。
Eisley是一个来自Texas,Tyler的摇滚乐队,由三姊妹(chauntelle,Sherri,Stacy和Weston DuPree)和其表兄弟(Garron DuPree)组成.他们都出生于Texas.
乐队成立于1997年,Chauntelle和Sherri在受到诸如the Beatles,Jeremy Enigk,和Radiohead这些乐队的影响后开始在他们的卧室一起制作音乐.妹妹Stacy不能加入乐队的沮丧心情使他们放弃了Stacy太小而不能成为乐队一员和没有他们的帮助Stacy不能够单独写歌的坚持.Stacy随即被允许加入乐队.他们的弟弟(当时10岁)很快也作为鼓手加入了乐队.
2005年,几个年轻人组建了Eisley乐团,他给我们带来了飘扬在德克萨斯上空德清新气息。“我认为我们的音乐是一种流行摇滚乐,但与大多数的流行摇滚乐不同的是,在我们的音乐里面,我们会加入明显的暗色音乐元素和注入更多的感性。”乐队成员Sherri DuPree在谈到他们的处女作《Room Noises》时这么形容乐队的音乐。其实很多听过Eisley的乐迷更愿意将他们的音乐看作是一种民谣,一种在德克萨斯这种地方不太可能出现的民谣曲风,这样或许会显得Eisley音乐的独具魅力吧。

试听:I Wasn't Prepared - Eisley

Oh, when the day is blue
I'll sit here wondering about you
and how the pollen fell
All around your face in strange yellow patterns

But, I wasn't prepared for this
Oh, I wasn't prepared for this

When the morning came
The bees flew down and
Wrapped themselves around me
and that's when i spoke the word
To have them trace your face for me in pollen

But, I wasn't prepared for this
Oh, I wasn't prepared for this

Come, come back to me, my, my darling
Come, come back to me, my, my darling

I wasn't prepared for this
Oh, I wasn't prepared for this

When the day is blue
I'll sit here wondering about you

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