精致而干净Damien Rice《零.0》专辑


爱尔兰总是盛产音乐诗人的国度,在其创作歌手Damien Rice发行于2003年的首张个人乐队专辑《0》中,封面是一片米白,两个小小的手绘人像,默默的宣示这是张简单的民谣专辑,Damien Rice出生于70年代早期,以摇滚风格开始音乐之路,但在这张专辑里面你实在听不出来,大量的空心吉它和弦,轻松打击乐器低调而简约的伴奏,间或有一些华丽悲伤弦乐来烘托气氛,沒有多余的花俏來转移焦点,只为呈现Damien Rice 那充份蘊含情感的歌声,一起构成了一个亲密卻伤感的空间,精致而干净。

Damien Rice声音的渲染力,甚至可以将歌曲的情绪化为实质,然后直接传到听者的心上,他对乐器的感觉和协调性也非常出色, 可能是他小时候学过画的缘故,除了专辑封面和内页的插图出自他手之外,在他的吟唱之下,那些背景音乐仿佛组成了一幅异常美丽的图画,这一点在第六首《Amie》中表现到了极致.当然专辑中的《Cheers Darling》《The Blower's Daughter》《 Cold Water 》《Volcano》等其他歌曲,不夸张的讲,都是让人一听就疯狂为之吸引的养耳歌曲,特别一提的是《The Blower's Daughter》《 Cold Water 》被美国电影《CLOSER》(中文译名《偷心》)收录为其片头结尾插曲,对于《The Blower's Daughter》来说,之前已被美国热映电视剧《THE L WORLD》第一季结尾处作为整季SHOW的终曲,可见是首多么打动人心的作品了。

这张专辑的成功,除了Damien Rice外,女声LISA HANNIGAN与大提琴手VYVIENNE LONG也功不可没,LISA的歌声温柔,在专辑里时而主唱时而合音,与Rice形成完美搭配,VYVIENNE每一下都仿佛直接拉在心房上的大提琴配乐,更是完全烘托出专辑忧伤的氛围。


1. Delicate
2. Volcano
3. The Blower's Daughter
4. Cannonball 『强烈推荐』
5. Order ohests
6. Amie『推荐』
7. Cheers Darling
8. Cold water
9. I remember
10. Eskimo


Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Still a little hard to say what's going on

Still a little bit of your ghost your witness
Still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
that I can't say what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball

Still a little bit of your song in my ear
Still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can't see what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to cry
So come on courage! Teach me to be shy
'Cause it's not hard to fall
And I don't wana scare her
It's not hard to fall
And I don't wanna lose
It's not hard to grow
When you know that you just don't know

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