清新民谣I Have Been Around the World - Dar Williams

Dar Williams


清新民谣风格,气质独特的嗓音,富有韵味的歌词,Dar Williams绝对是90年代的Folk代表人物。到目前为止,她的专辑在allmusic上全都获得了4星或以上的评价。Dar Williams出生于纽约的Mount Kisco,但是在Chappaqua跟她的两个姐姐Meredith和Julie一起长大。在一次采访中,她把自己的父母描述为“崇尚自由、有爱心的人 ”,并且在自己的早期职业生涯中给予了自己巨大帮助。

Dar Williams在9岁是就开始弹吉他,2年后,她创作了自己的第一首歌。然而,年轻时期她更感兴趣的是戏剧,并且在Wesleyan University主修戏剧和宗教。Dar Williams在1990年移居到了波士顿的Massachusetts,开始进一步发展自己的表演生涯。她在波士顿歌剧公司担任了一年的舞台经理,同时开始一边写歌、录制Demo、上声乐课。她的声乐老师鼓励她试试去咖啡屋进行现场表演,但是这个时期的波士顿民谣环境非常恶劣,以至于她在表演时受到了极大阻力,最致命的是,她还要和自己的怯场斗争……1993年,Dar Williams搬到了Northampton。在Dar Williams的早期职业生涯中,她因为Joan Baez而获得了一定的知名度,因为后者录制了一些她的歌(她还和Joan Baez在Baez的专辑《Ring Them Bells》里合作了二重唱)。很快,咖啡馆、公共广播以及互联网上大量的歌迷让Williams更加出名。(网络整理)

试听:I Have Been Around the World - Dar Williams

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Well you make my coffee and
It’s only 3 A.M.
But soon I’m going far away.
And my time is almost up,
I hold my coffee cup,
We sit with nothing left to say.
And I know that soon I will be touching down
In a shining city or a mountain town.

I have been around the world,
But all that I can see
Are these moments that we have,
You’re all the world to me.

Well there’s always laughter
And the parties after
And a fond farewell before I go.
Leaving town, the window panes,
They flash like movie frames,
The last scene in a picture show.
But I know that I am not alone and you
Are the one that I can tell my stories to.

I have been around the world,
There’s so much there to see,
And the story never ends,
You’re all the world to me.

And I know there are times you think I’ve lost my way,
But there is no way this can be true

'Cause when I’m walking through
The door I look for you,
You’re all I’m looking for.

And it’s truer now than it’s ever been,
I’m the lucky one that love has taken in,
I have been around the world,
From sea to shining sea,
I wish that you were here,
You’re all the world to me.

I have been around the world,
From sea to shining sea,
And now I’m heading home,
You’re all the world to me.

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