Where Is Love? - Lily Frost

Lily Frost


来自加拿大的女歌手Lily Frost, 早在1989年便开始了她的音乐生涯,可惜这一路并不平坦。 从加拿大的音乐重地Montreal到埃及的Cairo,再回到Vancouver,最终落脚在Toronto的她,曾组过以翻唱老歌为主的乐队The Sheiks, 也试过在异国的油轮上以驻场歌手为职业。直到1992年,和朋友Minstrel Jorge Diaz组成了乐队The Colorifics, Frost才算是真正开始了她的创作历程。 之后,不但有大学电台选播The Colorifics的歌曲,乐队还获得了大量现场演出的机会,并在演出的时候出售他们四张自资专辑,销量虽不能算巨大倒也让人欣慰。

到了1998年, Frost决定单飞,并在器材都是借回来的艰难状况下,录制了首张个人专辑。 2001年, 随着在德国,日本等地的发行,Frost的名字渐渐出现在乐评人的文章里,并获得不俗的评价, “Who Am I”一曲更被收录在电影的原声带里。 03年起, Frost又开始了新专辑的录制,这一次,她几乎一手包办了专辑的所有创作,终于在04年正式完成。(网络整理)

试听:Where Is Love? - Lily Frost

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Someone's sitting next to me on the balcony
and I try to be truthful about life
but it's useless to be truthful
with someone who leaves you behind
so I try, looking for something you'll never find

Suddenly when I was walking,
it struck me the other day
love lets go
perhaps love is a concept,
that changes as we go
and possibly, it isn't anything, at all

Where is love
where is love when the lights are low
I feel beautiful
and I'm not alone
and I'm reaching out
but it's not around
will I ever find
does anybody know
where is love

Princesses have found emancipation
Princes dressed as saviors don't belong
in America we pioneering heroes
Goddesses arising up when we're alone


All the men I love are already taken
all the lovers I've had are lost
but it's dangerous the strangers empty feelings when they're gone
if only I was heartless and be strong


Where is love
where is love when the lights are low
where is love

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