来点粗犷的Lonely Road - Everlast


不要轻言你是在为谁付出和牺牲,其实所有的付出和牺牲最终的受益人都是自己。人生是一场与任何人无关的独自的修行,这是一条悲欣交集的道路,路的尽头一定有礼物,就看你配不配得到。—— 卡玛《人生是一场独自的修行》

小清新听多了也会厌烦的,来点粗犷的吧。这首Lonely Road选自Everlast 2004年的专辑《White Trash Beautiful》。
相信很多人早就听过饶舌乐团House of Pain的那首超级经典单曲Jump Around,蕴育这首曲子的功臣之一正是这张专辑的主人翁Everlast,他本名是Erik Schrody,曾经是rap大师Ice T所组的Rhyme Syndicate Catel其中的一员,1990年,出道之初即以这张《Forever Everlasting》向乐坛探路,可惜当时清一色以黑人所主导的Hip-Hop乐圈,对这白人年轻小伙子的作品,真的简直是视若无睹。之后他与MC Danny Boy及DJ Lethal合组House of Pain才以Jump Around一曲横扫全球。一直到现在,这歌依旧是经常在舞厅听见DJ播放。House of Pain接下来在1994年的《Same as It Ever Was》及1996年的《Truth Crushed To Earth Shall Rise Again》二张专辑,都无法达到先前的成绩,而宣告解散,Everlast再度以个人名义发表作品,1998年的专辑《Whitey Ford Sings the Blues》获得了市场及乐评的肯定。 (网络整理)

试听:Lonely Road - Everlast

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Too much time, thinkin' 'bout all of my mistakes
My heart, my mind, my soul, my body aches
I hunger for the loving arms of your embrace
I walk along the lonely road

I walk along the lonely road
My back is strong, girl
I'll carry the load
I'm on the grind, in time I'll pay the debt that's owed
I walk along the lonely road

Too much time, thinkin' 'bout everything that went wrong
I cry my eyes out every time I hear your song
I hope this path leads me back where I belong
I walk along the lonely road

I walk along the lonely road
My back is strong, girl
I'll carry the load
I'm on the grind, in time I'll pay the debt that's owed
I walk along the lonely road

Too much pride for me to up and take the blame
Deep inside, girl, it's killin' me with pain
Every night when I sleep I call your name
I walk along the lonely road

I walk along the lonely road
My back is strong, girl
I'll carry the load
I'm on the grind, in time I'll pay the debt that's owed
I walk along the lonely road

I walk along the lonely road
My back is strong, girl
I'll carry the load
I'm on the grind, in time I'll pay the debt that's owed
I walk along the lonely road
I walk along the lonely road
I walk along the lonely road

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