Cradled in Love - Poets of the Fall

Poets of the Fall


Cradled in Love,选自Poets of the fall的专辑《Temple of Thought》。
Poets of the fall(以下简称Potf) 乐队来自音乐天才层出不穷的国度——北欧芬兰。他们的故事开始于2002年芬兰首都赫尔辛基。主音Marko和吉他手Ollie,两位来自不同音乐背景的音乐人走到了一起,开始一同写歌。“我们已经一起呆了一年长的时间了,在这个过程中我们发现彼此的风格可以很好的互相配合起来,于是我们决定一起创作属于我们的歌曲”,后来键盘手Captain的加入构筑了现在的POTF。
最初POTF的起步也很艰辛,Marko 为了自己心爱的音乐甚至变卖了身边其余物品,而当他自己无处居住的时候,干脆和两位伙伴一起搬到了他亲戚的一间地下室。接着他们又在Captain的住所建起一个简陋的小录音室,并且使用Ollie老爷车作为办公室,就这样开始了他们的音乐创作。(网络整理)

试听:Cradled in Love - Poets of the Fall

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You had the blue note sapphire eyes, to back up all those gazes
To pierce my guard and to take my soul off to faraway places
Told me I'll never be alone, cos you're right there

We took a gamble with this love, like sailing to the storm
With the waves rushing over to take us, we were battling against the tide
You were my beacon of salvation, I was your starlight

So don't cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you're alive cradled in love
Don't cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you're alive cradled in love

I kept the love you gave me alive, and now I carry it with me
I know it's just a tear drop from mother earth, but in it I can hear a dolphin sing
Telling me I'll never be alone, I know you're right there

So with the fire still burning bright, I wanna gaze into your light
If I could see my fortune there, you know how flames can hypnotize
Do I even dare to speak out your name for fear it sounds like, like a lover

So don't cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you're alive cradled in love
Don't cry for your love, cry tears of joy
Cos you're alive

Cradled in love

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