迷幻的软摇滚If - Bread
成立于60年代末的他们是一支有着迷幻色彩的软摇滚乐队,相对于Jefferson Airplane,The Byrds这些传统迷幻摇滚乐队来说,少了几分繁冗,复杂的乐器编排结构,多了几分简约,强调曲调的柔美。为以后的软摇滚指明了方向。
虽然Bread组队只有短短的4年,但却为乐迷们留下了数十首永恒传唱的经典作品。一首经典的IF更是多少人梦回时分的安神圣品。主唱David Gates柔情似水的真假音转换一气呵成,如恋人间的轻柔低诉在耳边呢喃 。真挚的歌词细细听来感人肺腑,岁月能改变一切,但并不能改变对真情的永恒追求,而蛙音效果器带来的独特音效更是让整首曲子增添了几分如梦似幻的独特意境。(网络整理)
试听:If - Bread
If a picture paints a thousand words, 如果一幅画里有千言万语
then why can't I paint you? 为何我却画不出你
The words will never show the you I've come to know. 千言万语也无法描述 我所认识的你
if a face could launch a thousand ships, 如果美貌能使千百艘船启航
then where am I to go? 那我该前往何处
There's no one home but you, You're all that's left me to. 在我心中只有你 你是我心中的唯一
And when my love for life is running dry, 当我对生命的爱日渐乾涸
you come and pour yourself on me. 你将自己灌注於我
If a man could be two places at one time, 如果一个人能分身有术
I'd be with you. 我愿与你同在
Tommorrow and today, beside you all the way. 无论今日明日 我将永伴你身旁
If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,如果世界停止转动 缓慢停止直到毁灭
I'd spend the end with you. And when the world was through, 我会陪你到最后 即使是世界末日
Then one by one the stars would all go out, 当繁星一颗又一颗的熄灭
then you and I would simply fly away 你我将双宿双飞
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