Restless - Audrey Assad
有人说:幸福的人都沉默。百思不得其解,问一友人,对方淡然自若地答:因为幸福从不比较,若与人相比,只会觉得自己处境悲凉。 ——梁文道《常识》(购书链接)
《Restless》选自Audrey Assad的专辑《The House You're Building》。
专辑封面给我们展现了一张格外寂寥的画面,主人公仿佛在思索着什么,在这僻静的小木屋里面独自一人畅谈自己的心声。窗外的风景给我们留下了诸多遐想的空间,但心里所绽放的才是那风景的关键。一首首朴实的piano acoustic渐渐让我们从这雾蒙蒙的世界里更加颓废,只想静静等躺着感受这雨后迎面扑来的一丝丝抚摸,这周围的一幕幕鸟语花香都是最好的佳肴,树木的一次次颤抖和小河的涓涓细流交织在一起编织了一曲交响乐,湿润了这美丽的歌声,这时一束束阳关映照在了这片新熙的土地上,为这张蕴动的画卷添上了休止符。(网络整理)
试听:Restless - Audrey Assad
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You dwell in the songs that we are singing
Rising to the Heavens
Rising to Your heart, your heart
Our praises filling up the spaces
In between and frailty and everything you are
You are the keeper of my heart
And I am restless
I am restless
Till I rest in You
Till I rest in You
I am restless
I am restless
Till I rest in You
Till I rest in You
Oh God
I wanna rest in You
Oh, speak now for my soul is listening
Say that You have saved me
Whisper in the dark, the dark
Cause I know you'e more than my salvation
Without You I am hopeless
Tell me who You are
You are the keeper of my heart
You are the keeper of my heart
And I am restless
I am restless
Till I rest in You
Till I rest in You
I am restless
I am restless
Till I rest in You
Till I rest in You
I wanna rest in You
Still my heart
Hold me close
Let me hear a still small voice
Let it grow
Let it rise
Into a shout
Into a cry
Oh still my heart
Hold me close
Let me hear a still small voice
Let it grow
Let it rise
Into a shout
Into a cry
And I am restless
I am restless
Till I rest in You
Let me rest in You
And I am restless
So restless
Till I rest in You
Till I rest in You
Oh God,
I'll be rest in you