Wobbly Bones - Chris Velan

Wobbly Bones  - Chris Velan


“Wobbly Bones”,选自Chris Velan的专辑《Solidago》。
Chris Velan,来自加拿大蒙特利尔的民谣歌手。原本从事法律工作的他,02年跟随大学好友来到西非,一起拍摄了一部讲述难民音乐家的纪录片。在非洲的所见所闻给他之后的音乐创作带来了灵感,也使他的作品融合了民谣,乡村,R&B和雷鬼多种曲风。正是这种多元化的特点使得Chris Velan同Jackie Greene和Justin Rutledge一样,树立自己独树一帜的风格。
专辑中个人最喜欢的一首作品是"Wobbly Bones",同时也是专辑中色彩最为灰色的一首作品。Chris通过白描的手法,将非洲种族屠杀前后的所见所闻进行对比,把对死亡的绝望和彻骨的凄凉通过他的缓缓吟唱来诠释,一种惨烈的美顿现眼前。已经将这张碟反复听了近20遍,清新的声音,轻快的旋律,作为炎夏午后的消暑小品再好不过了。(网络整理)

试听:Wobbly Bones - Chris Velan

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Wobbly Bones
The last time I saw you, you were lying on a bed
With bracelets on your wrist and a hole through your head
Your eyes open looking straight at me
As if you still had something to see

The last time I saw you, you were running for your life
No child in your arms and no sign of your wife
Your mouth open in the strangest way
Like youa??re searching for the words to say

Take these wobbly bones
Break them with stones
Here is my skin it keeps it all in
Far under my clothes
The blood still flows
To ten fingers and ten toes
Ten fingers and toes
Ten fingers and toes
Count them on your ten fingers and toes

The last time I saw you, you were buried in the sand
A crater in the place where your home used to stand
Your arms twisted reaching up to the sky
Asking for the answer why
And the last time I saw you all the soldiers had arrived
They lined you up along with the rest that survived
You dropped to your knees and you started to pray
Never stopping when they dragged you away

Take these wobbly bones

Break them with stones
Here is my skin it keeps it all in
Far under my clothes
The blood still flows
To ten fingers and ten toes
Ten fingers and toes
Ten fingers and toes
Count them on your ten fingers and toes

The last time I saw you, you were nowhere to be seen
They painted the walls scrubbed the floor squeaky clean
I havena??t seen you since, I wona??t see you for sure
a??Cause no onea??s going to knock on your door
And you dona??t have a name anymore
And no onea??s going to knock on your door
a??Cause you dona??t have a name anymore

Take these wobbly bones
Break them with stones
Here is my skin it keeps it all in
Far under my clothes
The blood still flows
To ten fingers and ten toes
Ten fingers and toes
Ten fingers and toes
Count them on your ten fingers and toes

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