Fate's Northern Shore - Amanda Rogers

Amanda Rogers


“Fate's Northern Shore”,选自Amanda Rogers的专辑《Fate's Northern Shore》。出生在意大利,成长在纽约的独立唱作人Amanda Rogers,以钢琴作为主要的伴奏乐器,介绍说《Heartwood》是她的第二张专辑,不过算上一张EP,这已经是第四张了。
Amanda Rogers因为弹钢琴而免不了受到浪漫乐派的萧邦与拉赫曼尼诺夫等作曲家影响,却又偏爱另类庞克摇滚如Radiohead和Bright Eyes等团体的Amanda Rogers,她以复杂敏感的钢琴演奏与具魅惑力的唱腔,呈现出一种风格独特、情感张力耐人寻味。(网络整理)

试听:Fate's Northern Shore - Amanda Rogers

Fate\'s Northern Shore - Amanda Rogers--:-- / 03:12

where do we go from here?
there's no words that you can say with answers I've been looking for, still life's okay, heading in direction I am never ready for...
no need for always knowing...when we leave and where we're going...
so grab your coat, grab your keys, what are you waiting for? there's no need to make up a reason anymore.
when you hear the engine roar you really know for sure,
there's something that guides us toward...
fate's northern shore.
we're out of the woods, into the streets,
the city is bigger than i imagined it to be, but home is sweet, it's not where we're going but the feeling lifts out feet....
no need for always knowing....when we leave and where we're going....
so grab your coat, grab your keys, what are you waiting for? there's no need to make up a reason anymore.
when you hear the engine roar you really know for sure,
there's something that guides us toward...
fate's northern shore.
grab your coat....and your keys...here's no need to make believe...fate's northern shore...fate's northern shore..
so grab your coat, grab your keys, what are you waiting for? we'll always end up where we're meant to go forward.
when you hear the engine roar you really know for sure,
there's something that guides us toward...
fate's northern shore.
grab your coat, grab your keys, there's no need to make believe....fate's northern shore.

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