A Penny for the Band - Justin Rutledge

Justin Rutledge


你很难将Justin Rutledge与其他唱作型艺人去做比较,虽有相同点,但你难说出Justin Rutledge为了什么会这么的出色,歌声优雅无比,旋律柔和动听。基本上很难挑出毛病来,也可能是我太看重Justin Rutledge的原因,从MYSPACE上面听到他的歌声后,就花了很长时间去拖这第三张专辑《Man descending》。Justin Rutledge出生于1978年的加拿大多伦多市,现在正逢成熟年龄,音乐的思想多发时期。06年的冬天Justin Rutledge被评为“Best Singer/Wongwriter in Toronto”。这绝对是一个不小的荣誉,对于Justin Rutledge也是最心满意足的荣誉之一吧,得到自己家乡的认可,对于他来说,是一件重要的事情。其中歌词这方面是最被推崇的。对于写词这方面Justin Rutledge应该算是非常拿手了,因为在上大学时期,Justin Rutledge就是文学杂志的编辑。所以专辑中的歌曲充满了苦甜干涩各种味道,这点和许多艺人一样,浓厚的生活作品。我是无法割舍这样的音乐,不论来多少,我都会一一聆听。已经不小的年龄让我开始真正的去体会生活,体验生活,还有享受生活,虽然我也不是成熟的大叔,但是也需要充实的生活,五光十色的生活。不论是甜是苦,因为这就是生活。很显然,那一对有型粗鬓角也是Justin Rutledge的生活之一。(网络整理)

试听:A Penny for the Band - Justin Rutledge

Another Shirley Temple,
Another Caine and Able,
There's nothing out the window,
And nothing on the table.
This life is like a sad list
Strong across the Nation,
If I miss you at the soundcheck,
I'll see you at the station.
There's a beast inside of me,
And he's not bad a company
But he speaks in tongues I can never understand,
He says it's one more show and a penny for the band.
Keep everybody dancing,
Keep everybody spending,
I know I am not a good man,
But I can keep pretending.
I made it in a doorway,
Dress is like a dark vale,
But I'm not going your way,
I'm going back to heartache.
With a bottle of Burgundy,
Where she waits on the balcony,
With a northern wish and a daisy in her hand,
To send me all her love and a penny for the band.
There's a beast inside of me,
And I miss my family,
All these pages and these stages made of sand,
Still, it's one more show and a penny for the band,
One more show and a penny for the band.

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