献给昂山素季Unplayed Piano-Damien Rice

Unplayed Piano-Damien Rice
专辑名称:《寂寞琴声 Unplayed Piano(Single)》
艺人名称:戴米恩莱斯Damien Rice 丽莎汉尼根Lisa Hannigan
介绍:这是Damien Rice与Lisa Hannigan合唱的Unplayed Piano,这支歌是为被软禁的缅甸反对派领导人、唯一被拘禁的诺贝尔和平奖获得者昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)而作,为支持在昂山素季60岁生日当天(6/19)能被释放。

2005年6月19日,是缅甸民主派领袖昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)的六十岁生日。昂山素季一生与缅甸的独裁军政府对抗,过去十七年来,大部分时间都被软禁在首都仰光一个湖边的房子里。门外面有铁丝网,门前路上还有铁钉。数年前的一天她在激动中将寓所内的旧钢琴弹坏了,但军政府当局坚持不批准其它人替她上门维修。爱尔兰歌手Damien Rice得悉此事后,联同老拍档Lisa Hannigan为昂山素季写了《Unplayed Piano》(弹不到的钢琴) 这首歌,为她六十岁生日祈祷。

试听:Unplayed Piano-Damien Rice

主唱:Damien Rice & Lisa Hannigan
填词:Damien Rice

Come and see me
Sing me to sleep
Come and free me
Hold me if i need to weep
Maybe it’s not the season
Maybe it’s not the year
Maybe there’s no good reason
Why i’m locked up inside
Just cause they wanna hide me
The moon goes bright
The darker they make my night

Unplayed pianos
Are often by a window
In a room where nobody else goes
She sits alone with her silent song
Somebody bring her home

Unplayed piano
Still holds a tune
Lock on the lid (years years have passed by)
In a stale, stale room
Maybe it’s not that easy
Or maybe it’s not that hard
Maybe they could release me
Let the people decide
I’ve got nothing to hide
I’ve done nothing wrong
So why have i been here so long?

Unplayed pianos
Are often by a window
In a room where nobody else goes
She sits alone with her silent song
Somebody bring her home

Unplayed pianos
Are often by a window
In a room where nobody else goes
She sits alone with her silent songs
Somebody bring her home

Unplayed piano
Still holds a tune
Years pass by
In the changing of the moon

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