简约之美Valder Fields - Tamas Wells

Valder fields 是Tomas Wells的第二张专辑A Plea en Vendredi中的一首歌,简单的木吉他和零碎的鼓点,奏出如此曼妙的音乐,我由此相信,真正最美的或许就在它的简约……简单的快乐,简单的畅快,简单的爱与不爱,忽然周围一切都变得轻松起来,每每听着Tomas Wells轻吟,总觉得心中的浮躁全然褪去,从容淡定,听Valder fields,喧嚣在外,宁静在心。

试听:valder fields-Tamas Wells

MP3下载(320K MP3):地址1(百度音乐)

I was found on the ground by the fountain
About a fields of a summer stride
Lying in the sun after I had tried
Lying in the sun by the side
We had agreed that the council would end up
Three hours over time
Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights
I was running late could apply

For another one I guessed
If department stores are best
They said there would be delays
On the temporary pay

For another one I guess
If department stores are best
They said there would be delays
On the temporary pay

She was found on the ground in a gown
in the Valder Fields and was sound asleep
On the stairs out the door,to the man who cried
When he said that he loved his life

We had agreed that the council
Should take his keys to the bedroom door
In case she stepped outside
And was found in two days
In valder fields with a mountain view

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