Three Courses And An Open Canoe-Tamas Wells

还记得Tamas Wells那首广受好评的《Valder Fields》吗?这首清新的民谣小调以其优美的旋律,轻盈跳跃的音符深受乐迷的喜爱,同时也让很多人记住了这支来自澳洲的乐队和他们独特的创作风格。

无意中发现Tamas Wells出了新专辑《Two Years In April》,很有想象空间的温暖名字。听了整张专辑,一贯的平淡风格,轻柔醉人的旋律,简约而不简单。虽然没有发现能超越Valder Fields的新歌,有点小遗憾,但是出于对他“毫不做作的天使般的嗓音”一直的喜爱,来推荐其中一首很耐听的慢歌Three Courses And An Open Canoe,前奏的和弦有些流行的味道,后面的一段solo还加入了中提琴,整首歌听起来温润而清新。

试听:Three Courses And An Open Canoe-Tamas Wells

If you lie to me by
three courses to try
If you never felt defined to
speak all your mind
Cause you know we begin
in this fortune to sin
and I see that
you know the smell my hospital brings
And I know you before
you face all the doors
And I know you before
you face all the doors

But if you could receive
in silence you leave
and love never knelt these nineteen
paces from me
And if I’d followed you
in an open canoe
and if I’d never liked the shirts with
stripes and the news
that I know you before
you face all the doors
that I know you before
you face all the doors

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