惊艳的开场Everything I Cannot See - Charlotte Gainsbourg
曲目:Everything I Cannot See
艺人:Charlotte Gainsbourg
介绍:Charlotte Gainsbourg,1971年7月21日出生于英国伦敦,英国演员、歌手。14岁时因在《不安分的姑娘》中表演而成为恺撒奖的最具前途女演员,随后又于1989和1997年两获恺撒最佳女演员提名,2000年终于夺得恺撒最佳女配角奖。2003年,她还出现在《21克》中,扮演西恩·潘的妻子 。2007年,她推出第二张专辑《5:55》。2009年,她凭借在《反基督者》中的表演获得了第62届戛纳电影节最佳女演员。2014年,夏洛特·甘斯布主演的《女性瘾者》上映。
老鬼我很喜欢专辑里的这首《Everything I Cannot See》,惊艳的开场,行云流水般的钢琴。
[hermit auto="1" loop="1" unexpand="0"]songlist#:1473106[/hermit]
《Everything I Cannot See 》歌词:
I feel you all around me
you are everything i cannot see
as the ocean crawls onto the shoreline
so you lap at the edges of me
and now, as i'm walking
i know that you're watching me move
for as much as i need you
i must walk away from you
you're my life, you're my hope
you're the chain, you're the rope
you're my god, you're my hell
you're the sky, you're myself
you're the reason i'm living
you're all that i have to discover
you're the rain, you're the stars
you're so near, you're so far
you're my friend, you're my foe
you're the miles left to go
you are everything i ever wanted
and you are my lover
so i carry i carry the flowers
the flowers that are dead in my hands
they will rise up at the very sight of you
they will naturally understand
that today is the day
that we find out once and for all
now you know i must leave here
you must let me stand or fall
you're my life, you're my hope
you're the chain, you're the rope
you're my god, you're my hell
you're the sky, you're myself
you're the reason i'm living
you're all that i have to discover
you're the rain, you're the stars
you're so near, you're so far
you're my friend, you're my foe
you're the miles left to go
you are everything i ever wanted
and you are my lover
if i leave will you follow can i put my faith in you
you're my life, you're my hope
you're the chain, you're the rope
you're my god, you're my hell
you're the sky, you're myself
you're the reason i'm living
you're all that i have to discover
you're the rain, you're the stars
you're so near, you're so far
you're my friend, you're my foe
you're the miles left to go
you are everything i ever wanted
and you are my lover
and i love you now
as i loved you then
but this island life
just had to end
but you will allways be
my special friend
i will carry you with me
and we can love again
now the drizzle
soaks us to the skin
and the stars hang like a noose
so let's face this together
now this storm is finally though
you're my life, you're my hope
you're the chain, you're the rope
you're my god, you're my hell
you're the sky, you're myself
you're the reason i'm living
you're all that i have to discover
you're the rain, you're the stars
you're so near, you're so far
you're my friend, you're my foe
you're the miles left to go
you are everything i ever wanted
and you are my lover
Maybe I had seen her other movies.
总感觉曲子本身要强过演唱,但是也很特别,不像是唱歌 ,反像是旋律在诉说故事。