Keep Walking Or I'll Kill You - Agnes Kain

Agnes Kain是来自澳洲的男女双人组合,Chanelle Afford和Stefan Simunic 。他们从小一起长大,在澳大利亚的悉尼,在同一个小镇,同一条街上。因为这样,他们的音乐像每个人的好朋友那样,有一种亲密与舒适感。他们拥有一间自己的家庭录音室,低成本的音乐制作条件,在他们音乐中体现着简单朴实的风格。聪明的他们,很明智地选择了自己喜欢的方式制作和演唱音乐。曲风清新,充满了天真烂漫的色调,不单单体现出声音的一种形式,更表达了一种生活的状态。
在这首专辑同名歌曲《Keep Walking Or I'll Kill You》中,主唱甜润和蔼温柔的声音,温存而又不妖娆,回忆起童年时那个有点霸道又有点孤单的小男孩,大人们的不理解让你受委屈了、家里的变故让我们很为你担心,坚强的小男孩,别哭别哭。。。着实令人动容。

试听:Keep Walking Or I'll Kill You-Agnes Kain


it was your first day with us
you said keep walking or i'll kill you
it's such a shame you did to Jennifer
her mother was such a talker
and she talked about you
and i felt sadness for you
your parents never hugged you loved you
and we saw your story
all the burn-ups and bruises on your body
you took your shirt off for the swimming race
you just kept swimming
you were quite good
my father tried to help you
we would have said we are sorry
we were afraid that you might cry
and boys dont cry ,no boys dont cry
i remember that monday morning
your first day back in the classroom
we were only in the 3rd grade
when your father died and went away
it was the saddest side at your angel face
and i would say i am sorry
i was afraid that you might cry
and boys dont cry ,no boys dont cry
and boys dont cry please boys dont cry

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