200 Days-Matthew Lien马修连恩

Matthew Lien马修连恩



鼠标点开,音响里传出声音,真的被陶醉了。我逢人推荐马修连恩的音乐。前段时间换上了轻骑兵M6的音箱,配上APE格式的音质,很享受。200 Days (200天)是马修·连恩专辑《驯鹿宣言》(Caribou Commons)里的一首歌,马修连恩的歌在麦田里推荐过很多次。


试听:200 Days-Matthew Lien马修连恩

I..... I've seen the writing on the wall
Seen the mighty bastions fall
And with them fall a thousand tears
A hundred thousand years

They have walked across the land
Living with us hand in hand
The Spirit lives inside of you
The Caribou

Would you ury it all
Would you throw it away
Would you give up your life
For two hundred days
Would you take from the land
What you could never repay
Leaving all this behin
For two hundred days
Oh, how the winds of time hae worn
With the breath of newly born
A great expanse of timelesseness
So ominous

And now, seeking wealth from underground
Do we sell it by the pound
We're standing on the precipice
of emptiness
Would you ury it all
Would you throw it away
Would you give up your life
For two hundred days
Would you take from the land
What you could never repay
Leaving all this behin
For two hundred days
Strong as the raging sea
Valdez is haunting me
Black is the blood upon the sand

Waging a bloody war
What are we fighting for
Black is the blood upon our hands

Now, as the treasures start to rust
Turn to ashes and to dust
The castlery contrived in haste is laid to waste

And now, in the light of what remains
Will we do it all again
A destiny to manifest
Must lay to rest
Would you ury it all
Would you throw it away
Would you give up your life
For two hundred days
Would you take from the land
What you could never repay
Leaving all this behin
For two hundred days

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