Dance Dance Dance - Lykke Li 随音乐翩翩起舞

Lykke Li

做梦也想不到我会把信写在五线谱上吧。五线谱是偶然来的,你也是偶然来的。不过我给你的信值得写在五线谱里呢。但愿我和你,是一支唱不完的歌。 ——王小波的情书

又是来自瑞典歌手Lykke Li的一首歌《Dance Dance Dance》。之前推荐过她的《Little Bit》,小孩的音色中带著一点点沙哑,令人印象深刻,长句短句交错,使歌曲具有跳跃感。Lykke Li的音色带有童音编曲融合了多种原声乐器。虽然Lykke音色特别,但她没有一成不变的运用,为了营造不同的听感,某些曲目的唱法很特别。听Lykke Li的音乐就是在静谧无比的夜晚,一轮明月当空,无星无云,突然从天而降,闯入一群身着怪异服装,手击器乐的人,看不清面目,只是在冷幽的月光下随意扭动,丝舞非舞,随性而起,尽兴而归。(网络整理)

试听:Dance Dance Dance - Lykke Li

歌曲下载:地址1(谷歌正版音乐)| 地址2(百度MP3)
Having troubles telling how I feel
But I can dance, dance and dance
Couldn't possibly tell you how I mean
But I can dance, dance, dance
So when I trip on my feet
Look at the beat
The words are, written in the sand
When I'm shaking my hips
Look for the swing
The words are, written in the air
I was a dancer all along
Dance, dance, dance
Words can never make up for what you do
Easy conversations, there's no such thing
No I'm shy, shy, shy
My hips they lie 'cause in reality I'm shy, shy, shy
But when I trip on my feet
Look at the ground
The words are, written in the dust
When I'm shaking my hips
Look for the swing
The words are written in the air
I was a dancer all along
Dance, dance, dance
Words can never make up for what you do
Dance, dance, dance

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