清新、精致的民谣High on a Hill - Kate Rusby

kate Rusby - Awkard Annie


这首《High on a Hill》选自民谣女声Kate Rusby的专辑《Awkard Annie》。

Kate Rusby被誉为民谣宝贝,她的嗓音略微低沉沙哑,几乎所有的曲子都带着忧郁感伤的气质。有人说,作为Equation的主唱,她对后任的Cara Dillon产生过巨大的影响,甚至cara的前两张专辑都带有kate的影子。

在这个分分秒秒都在变化的世界上,Kate Rusby就像一张炉火边温暖的椅子,让人舒适地依靠。她的歌曲和嗓音完美的融合在一起,这也是其他歌手一直梦寐以求的。毫无疑问Kate Rusby的第七张个人专辑 《Awkard Annie》成为传统民谣的又一上乘之作。仅仅凭新专辑中体现的转变,你就会觉得它绝对实至名归。

民谣女歌手Kate Rusby从出生起就住在南约克郡的巴恩斯利,并且是在一个音乐世家长大的。她的父母有一个同乐会式的舞蹈团体,在她儿时,父母就将英国民谣介绍给了她。然后她就同姐姐Emma一起加入那个同乐会,偶尔唱一些和声,演奏小提琴。 12岁时,她成为了吉他主奏。
15岁,她在Holmfirth音乐节上开始自己的Solo生涯,在那里她被介绍给了另一位年轻的年轻的民谣女歌手Kathryn Roberts,她们开始一起演出,过了一段时间的磨合,以她俩名字一起的专辑出版了,这张专辑获得了那年(1995年)民谣音乐的一个奖项。Kate还同女子民谣合唱团体The Poozies合作,包括1997年的专辑Come Raise Your Head和1998年的Infinite Blue。
凌晨1点才下完这张专辑,然后点着烟开始听,俗气的开始,却让这个夜很美丽,她的声音上面的简介里有了,不复缀述,大部分歌曲都是木琴弹唱为主,有首《 hign on a hill》好像用了班卓,加上点男声和声,这么说吧,很适合志得意满翘着二郎腿听,或者是电影里小P孩吃着廉价泡泡糖经常会用的配乐。
当然和其他民谣歌手一样,也有很多叙事歌曲,不过本人英文水平有限,但听起来感觉应该是讲些家长里短琐事,权当是和她聊天了,在记者站孤独的生活听到说话都是非常惬意的事。 (网络整理)

试听:High on a Hill - Kate Rusby

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High on a hill there's a sweet bird calling,
All come together, are you in or are you out?
He sings of a time when the sky was falling,
All come together and be in no doubt.

Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
And oh darling, oh my darling,
Be strong and be proud.
Oh darling, then you'll see
The devil will go round.
Round, round.

High on a hill and way up yonder,
All come together, are you in or are you out?
Eleventh day was hell, but the heart grows stronger.
All come together and be in no doubt.

Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
And oh darling, oh my darling,
Be strong and be proud.
Oh darling, then you'll see
The devil will go round.
Round, (round), round.

Over the fields where the water's falling,
All come together, are you in or are you out?
There's a bird on a hill and he's sweetly calling,
All come together and be in no doubt.

Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
And oh darling, oh my darling,
Be strong and be proud.
Oh darling, then you'll see
The devil will go round.
Round, round.

High on a hill there's a sweet bird calling,
All come together, are you in or are you out?
He sings of a time when the sky was falling,
All come together and be in no doubt.

Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
Oh darling, (ooh), let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
Oh darling, (ooh), let's go over,
Now the devil's here.
Oh darling, let's go over,
Now the devil's here.

And oh darling, oh my darling,
Be strong and be proud.
Oh darling, then you'll see
The devil will go round.

And oh darling, oh my darling,
Be strong and be proud.
Oh darling, then you'll see
The devil will go round.
Round, round.

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