豪斯医生第四季第16集插曲Passing Afternoon


豪斯医生(house)医生第四季随着这首《Passing Afternoon》的响起,以极其煽情的形式结束,Amber死亡。这首歌对剧情的渲染起了很大的作用。它没有大起大落、哀嚎大哭的旋律,只是慢慢地渗入你的心田,让你回忆起曾经逝去的人和事。

愿死者安息 生者坚强


《Passing Afternoon》出自Iron&Wine乐队2004年《Our Endless Numbered Days》专辑。Iron & Wine乐队可以说是Samuel Beam的艺名而已。Samuel Beam曾是一名电影老师,在佛罗里达州立大学任教,之前的经历为其后来走上音乐创作之路,做了很好的铺垫。这些经历让他的音乐风格融合了很多元素,踏实,抒情而丝毫没有娇揉造作的成分。
以前也推荐过豪斯医生的另外一首插曲《On Saturday Afternoons In 1963》

试听:豪斯医生插曲Passing Afternoon

“Passing Afternoon”MP3歌曲下载:地址1(百度MP3)
There are times that walk from you like some passing afternoon 有些时光从身边流逝 仿佛逝去的午后
Summer warmed the open window of her honeymoon 夏日温暖了她蜜月的窗
And she chose a yard to burn but the ground remembers her 她在院落焚烧落叶 土地记住了她
Wooden spoons, her children stir her Bougainvillea blooms 木勺子,她的孩子摇晃着盛开的九重葛花

There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days 事情总会慢慢淡去 就像我们无尽的日子
Autumn blew the quilt right off the perfect bed she made 秋天吹落她床上叠好的棉被
And she's chosen to believe in the hymns her mother sings 她开始相信母亲哼唱的赞美诗
Sunday pulls its children from their piles of fallen leaves 星期日在落叶堆中拉起孩子

There are sailing ships that pass all our bodies in the grass 帆船驶过 穿过青草地里我们的身体
Springtime calls her children until she lets them go at last 春天呼唤她的孩子 她终于放手让他们走
And she's chosen where to be, though she's lost her wedding ring 她决定留在哪里,虽然她遗落了的结婚戒指
Somewhere near her misplaced jar of Bougainvillea seeds 就安放在九重葛花籽瓶的附近

There are things we can't recall, Blind as night that finds us all 有些事怎么都想不起来,好像黑夜终会将我们吞没
Winter tucks her children in, her fragile china dolls 冬天藏起了她的孩子,她易碎的瓷娃娃
But she'll mend his tattered clothes and they'll kiss as if they know 她还会帮他缝补破衣裳 他们还会亲吻似乎他们知道
A baby sleeps in all our bones, so scared to be alone 我们的骨子里都睡着一个婴儿,如此害怕孤单

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