

出自英国独立音乐人M.Craft的专辑《Silver & Fire》。Martin飘渺如雾水般的嗓音,加上魔术般的女声和简单悦耳的旋律,实在是适合现在的天气,清凉又自在。歌曲所用的配乐并不复杂,电吉他作为主线,巧妙地利用了鼓点和电子效果,在织好的旋律中把节奏的跳跃放大,所以始终带着强烈但毫不厚重的节奏感。


Little Magdalene, we all know about the places that you've been
You think you're hidden there but everyone has seen
And they can see you now you're out in the rain
It's five a.m. and you're on some corner again
Soaking wet and there's no taxi with your name, you say...

I take sweets from strangers
You got a car then let's take a ride
Wanna see some places
Wanna make some changes
Wanna do some living tonight
I'm not shy

Never unseen, you ventured out into the great in-between
The eucalyptus and the burnt gasoline
On dusty nowhere roads you hitch yourself a ride
With a burnt-down man who's eyes are still wide
And all that you can talk about is suicide, you say..

I take sweets from strangers
You got a car then let's take a ride
Wanna see some places
Wanna make some changes
Wanna do some living tonight
I'm not shy

Little Magdalene, we all know about the places that you've been

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